I wish it were as easy to edit the solo piece. In the past three days I've been through four edits of the piece and have probably shaved 10 minutes from it's run time (roughly a page of words). That many edits in so few days is a bit excessive so as per Danielle's nudging, I'm going to sit on it for a few days. We'll block the piece tonight (or begin anyway) and I can focus on being an actor and developing a character rather than being a playwright rewriting a script. I thought it would be much easier to separate these dual roles but as it turns out, they work together very closely. It is a challenging area for me that I expect to work on very diligently.
What I'm running into now is the delicate balance in rewrites. I want to make the shows make more sense, to flush out ideas and dialogue and to still remain artistically hap

Someone reminded me of the dates of our show the other day (March 4th and 5th) and I realized we are just about a month from performance. The process is moving very quickly. We still keep running into little obstacles, most of which are taken care of very quickly but sometimes not without a little heartache. For awhile, our big issue to be taken care of was the start times of our show. Apocalypse Plays is on the same weekend as two other shows. But after a little fanagling we have finalized start times that will hopefully work for everyone. The show on the 4th will begin at 9pm while the two shows on the 5th will be at 7:30pm and 10pm. I'm hoping the varying times will make it easier to get more people to the theatre.
Sleeping hours are few and far between these day. The mind of the artist never ceases.