
Taking Steps

February submission: completed!
This time it was a poetry submission to a literary magazine.

Alright folks, I'm two for two here. I must admit I had to push myself to do this one for February. The only things I have "ready" that haven't been published or produced before is poetry. At least for plays, the produced stipulation is the one that gets me. Because, of course, what I have that would be ready to send somewhere has been produced before. That's what makes it the most ready to be submitted. Oh well, my poetry should be submitted as well. Plus, it's been awhile since I've written poetry and hopefully this will inspire me to continue with that aspect of my writing.

I also finally began my novel this weekend. It is already at a stalemate but it has been started which I must admit is a feat. I've been noodling on it for years now but every time I sit down to write, the idea of a novel scares me. I'm so used to writing purely dialogue and/or poetry that I am quickly discovering I have a lot of growth to do in the area of description.

At the very least, writing is happening!


New Play Map

Check me out on the new play map: