
The creative life of a (newly) twenty-five year old.

Is this how it works?

I take things into my own hands and then all sorts of things come to fruition. Everyone always said it's all about being proactive. I feel like I have to learn that lesson time and time again. Maybe one of these days it'll actually stick and I won't be surprised when artistic endeavors seem to come together.

A laundry list of what's going on (just to catch up on the last month without a blog):
1) I'm putting on a showcase of my work. Well, actually it's a "we're"; we're putting on a showcase of my work. I have some very dear friends (Emily Kight, Anna Townes, Amanda Woodard and Shannon Erickson) who are both extremely talented and have been champions of my work basically since I really started playwriting. They have been kind enough to sit through and participate in numerous readings, workshops, drafts, doubts, and so on. And now, I've rented and space and we're going to put on a public reading/workshop. I'm calling it a workshop because I do want feedback. The whole goal of this thing is to see if the work is ready for a full production. If it is, that'll hopefully be coming by the fall.
Necessary info:
Related Strangers: A workshop of new work
April 2 at 7pm
Seattle Center House Blackbox
2) I have been working with a Seattle area group of college chums called Blood Ensemble to help them devise a work based on a concept album by a local band called Smooth Sailing. And actually, during whatever show they create, the band will be part of the performance, on-stage with the performers.They are still working on casting the actual production (which I hope I get to be involved in) but for now I'm really enjoying collaborating with these individuals and working to create a piece that will hopefully fill a void in the theatrical marketplace and draw in some new audiences.

Blood Ensemble is also putting on a Theatre Prom in Seattle to help finance their show. You'll want to be there. It's drinking, dancing, dressing up with cool theatre people in only the best way. For more info go here: http://theatreprom.blogspot.com OR even better, buy tickets here: https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/233163.
3) I have signed on to write for the Double Shot Festival again in September of this year. I will blog through my writing as I did (sort of) last time. I'm excited but nervous. My first play went over so well that when I agreed to do it again, I told my mentor/friend Bryan Willis "Yes. I'll do it. Of course I'll do it. But under the stipulation that I cannot be expected to achieve the same caliber this time around. I'm worried I made myself look TOO good. How do I come back from that?!"
...wish me luck.
4) I may be directing a 10 minute play for NPA next month. More info to come upon confirmation.

Whew! I'm glad to be busy. Although, the biggest thing weighing on my mind right now is the impending grad school application process. I need a full weekend to hole up and get a full-length play up to snuff to apply with. I need another full week or two to do the research and figure out where I'd like to apply to. I want so badly to go to grad school, to be back in school. I know I need to go to grad school because I still have so much to learn about...well, everything. Why does real life get in the way?

Is this what it's like to be 25? Because if so, I'm ALL for it. Here's to a great year!

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