The Double Shot Festival was officially completed today around 2:30 p.m. An overall successful festival I'd say. The quality of the writing, in my opinion, was very good this year. Something interesting/redeeming about every script. And the festival itself was well attended. I'm told it was standing room only on Saturday night and it was almost filled to capacity today. Good turnout. Good turnout for new works.
I find that anytime you do something much faster than you would normally do it, you learn lessons much faster as well. Here's what I learned this time:
1. You can't force inspiration. I actually think I learn this lesson every time I write. I will still try and force it. And I will relearn this lesson every time I write.
2. Use the structure you know. Sometimes when you're stuck, the best thing to do is start with a structure you are comfortable with. We learn theory for a reason. Use it.
3. When all else fails, there are always sexual puns. I mean, of course, it helps when you have a theme like "lust" but I mean...any time you can get someone to say "jizz factory", you probably should.
And, as I'm sure you are waiting in anticipation, here's what was left of the food I bought to write:
1. Some pocky.
2. Coca Cola gummies
3. Partial bag of Baked Potato Chips
4. Small amount of dark chocolate covered almonds
And I did not get into the liquor/wine but I seriously thought about it.
With that, another year at Double Shot comes to a close. Thanks to NPA, the Broadway Center, and all the casts, writers, directors, and fine folks to put this shindig on.
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